Friday, 14 February 2020

What is uniform civil code? What is UCC? (Part-1)

What is uniform civil code?
What is UCC?

In short term Uniform civil code is called UCC.

The government wants to introduce this rule within a few months Or the next Year.

Uniform civil code tag line may be -
"One Country One Law" or
"One Nation one law"

Uniform civil court is one that would provide for one law for entire country applicable to allreligious communities in their personal matter such as marriage, diverse, adoption, inheritance etc.

Article 44 of the constitution lays down that the state cell in be able to secure a uniform civil code for the citizen throughout the territory of India.

We live in a Masculine society. sons are equal to girls, but things change over time. Girls are still depirved of their rights .India is a Country of many religions, Every Religion has it's own rules in their non criminal offences. The Government Wants to bring equal rules to everyone. Hope for the Best.

The constitution of our country say
Article 44: equality to everyone
Article 24-28: right to religion.

Hope you understand what i am trying to say. Thanks for visiting,I really appreciate your time. God bless you.

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